
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fake vs. Real Friends

Something that we learn a lot about as we get older is who are our real friends and who are fake friends.
It takes time to learn the difference between a real friend and a friend that will not be around for long. Today we will give you some tips so that you will be able to identify who is a real friend and who is not.
Think about the worst time that you have had in your life. Now think about the people who were there for you. These are people who were real friends. People who were there for you when times got tough.
Now think about friends who are always asking you for things. Friends who want to borrow clothes, make-up, jewelry...and then when you ask them for something, they don't want to lend it to you. There could be two things going on here. 1: they are not real friends. 2: their parents won't let them lend things out. You have to be careful when classifying these friends.
Also keep in mind that a REAL friend alway keeps a secret. If your friend shares your secrets with other people, she is not a good friend. Friendship is based on trust.
The other thing to look for is how a friend keeps in touch. Real friends stay in contact. They call, they email, they check in. This can fluctuate if both of you are busy, but the consistency is there. ~

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