
Saturday, May 18, 2013

The attachment to Being Right

The attachment to Being Right


I love this quote so much by Wayne Dyer simply because it talks about kindness and your ability to choose it over being right. 


Being right means considering everything that is right based on your moral judgment. 


There are always things we would like to do. There are things we would love to do. There are things that we feel when we do will make us happy.


But we do not them because they are not right. We can't help for example to be attracted to someone who is already committed. Or we can't help being attracted to someone else when we ourselves are already committed. 


But we think of things because it is not right. Therefore we choose to suffer. We sacrifice our happiness because we choose to be right. 

We have to consider though that if we choose to cheat on our loved ones, we will hurt a lot of people in the process - our partner or the partner of the one you're cheating with, and ourselves.

If we choose to be kind, we will consider their pain. We will realize that it's not really worth it. And by realizing this, we have chosen not to suffer anymore. We let go of that wordly desire. We choose to be kind.

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