
Friday, May 17, 2013

Be Thankful

Be Thankful

Thank you means a polite expression of gratitude, may it be small or big deal to us we automatically say this words. But how do we sincerely mean this simple words and to whom? From the quotation itself it gives importance to a person close to you, a family member or a friend and even to the religion we believe in. Family are the people that we can depend on thru good and bad times. They will unconditionally lend a hand to help you survive the most difficult of trials. Family is a strong support group because even in both ways that some rough patches make them spite each other eventually blood will be thicker than water. Second is a close or a best friend these are the people who has been with us for a long time who knows us well and even we have pushed them away they will still be there for you to the test of time because they are genuine friends. Third will be God Almighty who is a contemplative person. He is by far from the time we are created he has been there for us silently staying, then us we go older we sometime pushes him away in our life but then he will still be there for us on the times we needed help and even he has all the reason to walk away he stays until our dying days. Thank you is a simple word that is used by all of us as a daily expression. For me it is an essential to my life that I used to express my gratitude to my family and friends who has been there for me from beginning to end. Most importantly I say thank you everyday to God Almighty for the blessings and keeping me alive.

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